
Engage smarter, convert more

Connect with prospects and nurture them strategically towards conversion with AI-powered sales engagement tools.

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Connect, engage, meet

Ignite meaningful conversations with prospects that are ready to meet.

Nurture Campaigns
Engage your prospects with precision

Go beyond automating sales outreach and craft each message thoughtfully. Nurture Campaigns tailor engaging sequences for all sales pipeline stages, guiding prospects through the sales funnel.

Smart Reply AI
Generate one-click replies that resonate

Stop scrambling for the right words and leverage sales engagement tools to create perfect messaging. Smart Reply AI analyzes your history for context and tone and crafts fluid conversations.

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Sentiment Analysis AI
Use AI to fill your team’s calendar

Equip your team to book more meetings by analyzing interactions and identifying prospects with the highest likelihood to convert. Sentiment Analysis AI focuses your team's efforts on building relationships and driving meetings.

Video by CoPilot AI
Send personalized videos at scale

Stand out with personalized videos that boost reply rates up to 26%. Video by CoPilot AI drafts scripts, records seamlessly, and includes undetectable eye-tracking features.

Explore Video by CoPilot AI

What our clients say

Ready to increase your reply rate and engage more prospects?

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CoPilot AI has given me a steady flow of marketing qualified leads, and it has also given me relationships — relationships that are leading to more business.

Nate Habermeyer
Intro Global

I discovered that automated email follow-ups worked decently well and began seeing a comparison between best practices from automated email and LinkedIn outreach. Based on this, I was confident that everything I knew about email could be transpired to LinkedIn.”

Connor Lagman
Connor Lagman
Attention Digital

I’ve tried so many ways to build my business and CoPilot AI has been one of the best, if not the best. It’s certainly the most rapid and most scalable way I’ve found to grow.

Karen Brown
Velocity Leadership Consulting
Team Collaboration

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