Case Study - Software Business

How this software company was able to seamlessly pivot into a new business market & close a strategic partner with CoPilot AI

Bob Kadrie Chief Creative Officer
Red Pill Now

“We went from having 0 pipeline in our new line of business to having a huge pipeline just a few months later. All thanks to CoPilot AI.“ “CoPilot AI has been instrumental in us building our pipeline.”

Pivoting Into New Markets

Red Pill Now was at the beginning of a major pivot. Having specialized in one sector for many years, Bob Kadrie, Chief Creative Officer at Red Pill Now, knew he needed to make a change.

In order for Red Pill Now to make the pivot to something they’ve never done before, Bob needed to leapfrog the gap from starting a new business to actually generating revenue in order to keep the company alive and thriving. “With this pivot, we’re essentially being seen as a new company with all new branding. We used to have a stronghold on a specific market, now we have to tell people that we’re new,” Bob explained.

Bob knew tapping into his existing professional network would be a good start but also considered manual outreach would be time-consuming. He began looking into a software tool that could automate his online networking at scale, which led him to CoPilot AI. Bob also needed help creating the conversations in the network he was lacking. That’s where CoPilot AI came in. “I thought the value proposition was strong for CoPilot AI. I’m a huge fan of networking and building relationships on social media, especially LinkedIn,” Bob explained.

The First Step to Growth

As a big proponent of relationship selling, Bob focused on his existing LinkedIn network initially. He implemented and executed a three-pronged strategy for his first CoPilot AI campaign:

  • Create a network of potential partners for his new business pivot
  • Start conversations with those potential partners
  • Close a partner

The strategy seemed simple enough, the only caveat was that changing the business direction meant needing a whole new market outside of his current network.

Building Lasting Relationships

After only three weeks using CoPilot AI, Bob had three new opportunities in the pipeline and then closed a partnership deal. The deal Red Pill Now closed provided the organization with its strategic partnership. “This was not only the closure of a sales deal, but it was also the closure of a relationship that allowed our company to completely change paths,” Bob shared, adding, “my sense that CoPilot AI would be able to help us do that was right on the money”.

Once Bob secured that strategic partner, he was able to focus on sales and using CoPilot AI to ramp up his social selling strategy.

Taking Social Selling to New Heights

After connecting with many key prospects through his partner campaign on LinkedIn, his second-degree connections within his ideal target market had grown substantially.

As a result, he was able to start meaningful conversations that led to new revenue generation opportunities. “Tapping into our existing resources and relationships via LinkedIn’s second-degree  connections was a low hanging fruit,” Bob explained, adding, “that’s the power of CoPilot AI and LinkedIn, having the ability to automate and move through the pipeline quick, giving us the revenue we needed.”

After just three more months, Bob was working 50+ active leads within the CoPilot AI dashboard and closed around half a million dollars in opportunities. “We went from having zero pipeline in our new line of business to having a huge pipeline just a few months later. All real opportunities” shared Bob.

In addition to generating leads, CoPilot AI has helped Bob implement a very specific sales plan and tackle it on his own rather than hiring additional sales staff. It has given him the ability to reach his market in a highly targeted way and adjust his messaging to best address his audience. As a result, Red Pill Now has been able to back away from doing any additional marketing, freeing up budget to use in other areas of the organization.

Bob summarized his experience by saying, “CoPilot AI has been instrumental in us building our pipeline”.